Sunday 26 May 2024

The Crucial Role of Student Feedback in Educational Reform

In the realm of educational reform, student feedback is an essential component. The effectiveness of any educational system depends on its ability to connect with its ultimate beneficiaries—the students—and understand the challenges they face throughout their educational journey. Genuine feedback from students is invaluable; it provides educators and administrators with clear insights into what works and what needs improvement, driving essential upgrades and reforms.

Educational reforms are most impactful when they are grounded in the real experiences of students. This approach ensures that changes are practical and responsive to the actual needs of learners. By actively incorporating student insights, educators can develop a framework for meaningful and effective educational reforms. This feedback loop is vital for ensuring that educational programs remain relevant, engaging, and continuously improving.

Gathering student feedback should be systematic and inclusive. Surveys, focus groups, and informal discussions are all effective methods for collecting input. It’s crucial that students feel their voices are heard and valued, fostering a culture of openness and continuous improvement. When students see that their feedback leads to tangible changes, they are more likely to engage actively in their educational process, further enhancing the effectiveness of the reforms.

Student feedback helps identify gaps and areas that require attention. For instance, feedback might reveal that certain teaching methods are ineffective or that specific subjects need more practical application. These insights can guide curriculum development, teaching strategies, and resource allocation. By addressing these issues, educational institutions can provide a more supportive and enriching learning environment.

Enhancing Entry-Level Hiring with Certification: A Case Study with a Major Retail Company

A prime example of how feedback can drive significant improvements comes from our collaboration with a major retail company for entry-level hiring. Initially, candidates participating in the 10-day skilling program before joining the stores did not receive certification upon completion. This lack of certification led to a general lack of seriousness among the trainees, as they saw little tangible reward for their efforts.

Recognizing this issue, we communicated the need for a certification component to the retail company. The feedback was clear: candidates would be more motivated to engage fully with the training if they knew they would receive a certification that could enhance their employability. The retail company responded positively to this suggestion and introduced certification for the training program.

The impact of this change was immediate and significant. With the introduction of certification, candidates became much more serious about their skilling. The promise of formal recognition of their efforts motivated them to engage fully with the training, ensuring they acquired the necessary skills to be job-ready. This shift in attitude not only benefited the candidates but also improved the overall effectiveness of the hiring process.

A certified workforce is inherently more equipped to meet job demands. Certification provides a benchmark for the skills and knowledge acquired during training, giving employers confidence in the capabilities of their new hires. For the candidates, certification serves as tangible proof of their skills and efforts, which can be a significant boost to their career prospects.

Moreover, the introduction of certification aligns with the broader goals of educational and professional development. It underscores the importance of formal recognition in motivating individuals and enhancing the quality of training programs. By making this adjustment, the retail company ensured that their entry-level hires were not just employed but were well-prepared and competent.


The examples of student feedback in educational reform and the introduction of certification in a major retail company’s training program illustrate the profound impact that listening to beneficiaries can have. In education, incorporating student feedback ensures that programs are responsive, relevant, and continuously improving, leading to a more effective and enriching learning experience. Similarly, in professional training, addressing the needs and motivations of candidates can significantly enhance the quality and impact of the training.

Thursday 29 July 2021

ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं...

ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं,
जीवन की कलि खिलती है माँ के आँचल की छाया में,
पापा के  सिर पर प्यार भरे हाथ और दुलार की  साया में,
बाबा, अम्मा का मिलता है प्यार ख़ास,
क्यूंकि मूल से प्यारा होता है ब्याज,
चाचा, चाची का मिलता संग साथ,
जो सिखाता रिश्तों की गहराई साफ़,
भैया के मन में आता, ख़त्म हो गया मेरा एकछत्र राज़,
फिर जैसे जैसे कलि खिलती है, 
भाई-बहिन के प्यार की खुशबू महकती है.....
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
नाना, नानी की बचपन से सीख और प्यार,
भर देती कलि में संस्कार,
मौसी का प्यार मिलता हरदम,
क्यूंकि अब मौसी का ध्यान रहता ,
इस नन्ही कलि पर हर दम,
बुआ, फूफा का अमिट दुलार,
चह्काता  इस कलि को बार बार.........
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
धीरे धीरे ये कलि और खिलती है,
नए नए रिश्तों संग मिलती है,
गुरु का होता जीवन में प्रवेश,
इस रंग की अहमियत है विशेष,
ज्ञान का अमृत कलि में बढता है,
जीवन की बारीकियों का पता चलता है......
फिर आते है नए नए दोस्त संग-साथी,
जिनके साथ शुरू हो जाती,
प्रतिस्पर्धा,पढाई,लड़ाई और मौज मस्ती,
धीरे धीरे कलि में रंग बढता है,
ज्ञान रूपी उजाला अज्ञान तिमिर को हरता है........
जब मिल जाये भाभी रूपी दोस्त का साथ,
कलि कैसे न करे अपने ऊपर नाज़,
जीवन में आता जब प्यारा चंचल भतीजा,
कलि की मुस्कराहट का नहीं लगा सकते आप अंदाजा.......
जब मिलती किसी अच्छे सत-गुरु की शरण,
तो  कलि की महक का नहीं हो सकता शब्दों में वर्णन......
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
धीरे धीरे कलि फूल में बदलती है,
हवा, धूप, बारिश, तूफ़ान में,
अपना अस्तित्व बनाने को तरसती है,
जो फूल सह जाता इन सब का वार,
वो परिपक्व होता और फैलाता खुशबू बेशुमार.....
आते अलग अलग लोग हर रोज,
दे जाते कोई नई सीख ,कोई नई सोच,
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
ये फूल अब उस पड़ाव पर चलता है,
जब कोई दूसरे  समान फूल से मिलने को तरसता है,
जब आ जाता मन चाहा सम-फूल,
फूल की महक बढ़ जाती भरपूर,
नए नए रिश्तों से होता है मिलन,
सास- ससुर का होता जब जीवन में आगमन,
देवर, नन्द, नंदोई,भांजा बन जाते ख़ास,
फूल को लगता हो जाऊ मैं इनके दिल के पास,
चाचा-चाची ,भाई- बहिन,
बन जाते अटूट बंधन........
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
जब दो फूल मुस्कुराते साथ साथ,
ये सब रिश्ते बन जाते और ख़ास............
ज़िन्दगी के अपने ही रंग होते हैं,
अलग अलग रिश्तों के संग होते हैं.......
--- Akansha(2011) 

Control what you can!!!

There are situation in life where things seems uncontrollable. At that point of time it is better to control and focus on our circle of control to remain calm, positive and motivated. We have to learn and must learn to overlook and move ahead of the things which fall outside our circle of control.
Life is too short to focus on things which are of no use. Let's keep enjoying life and rocking!!! 

Thursday 15 July 2021

Perception of excellence and success.

 I would like to share a learning from #Mahabharat.

There are 2 ways of achieving excellence:

1. "#Being_Shrestha" - Focus is on proving that you are better than others. There is no doubt that Karna was an excellent archer but he always wanted to beat Arjun in order to prove himself as a 'Shrestha' Dhanurdhari (archer).

2. "#Being_Uttam" - the focus is on self-discovery. Competing with yourself and pushing your limits gradually. Arjun was a 'Uttam' yodha. His focus was on learning new skills.

Krishna has emphasized that being Shrestha is good but one day you will reach a point of stagnation. Being Uttam brings continuous improvement and there is no limit. The decision lies in our hands. Whom do we want to compete with - Others or Thyself?

This is not about Arjun v/s Karna. This is about their perception of excellence and success.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Let's stand together to overcome this post covid darkness and spread happiness and positivity to all for speedy recovery!!!

Covid-19 leaves debilitating and lingering after-effects that can impair productivity at work.
Generally termed as long covid leaves after effects like exhaustion, palpitations, unusual pain in the calves, brain fog, multi-organ impacts, formation of blood clots resulting in pulmonary embolism or stroke, nascent diabetes and most importantly is the psychological impact of the disease resulting in depression and anxiety.
Covid had hit at least 1.4% of India's working-age population till date and all these symptoms have affected the covid survivors' ability to work at various degrees
This has to be taken into account by employers. New HR policies are needed to be framed and counselling sessions regarding mental well-being is need of the heart.
Let's stand together to overcome this post covid darkness and spread happiness and positivity to all for speedy recovery .
#mentalhealth #wellness #india #hr #postcovidrecovery #postcovidworkplace
#stressmanagement #letswintogether #spreadpositivity #spreadhappiness

Saturday 17 April 2021

Save mother earth

In the second wave of this deadly pandemic are witnessing the whole system collapsing when oxygen is being given to just some of the sick patients. 
God has made natural system which gives oxygen the whole world. Let's take pledge to strengthen the system created by almighty before we collapse all. 
Let's plant more and more trees and love our mother earth. 
#planttrees #saveearth #savelife #loveearth