Thursday 19 January 2012

Turn obstacles into challenges

Turn obstacles into challenges
Perception is particular way of visualizing, understanding or thinking about something. Perception in the broadest sense is a matter of interaction between the world and the self.  At its simplest, the world gives us events; we in turn give those events meaning by interpreting and acting upon them.
Dreams are seeds of perception. They can inspire and lead to great achievements.
World gives us inputs (sensations) and we provide output (action) anticipating their meaning (perception). The positive the perception, the better is our reaction.

There is no existence of fact until and unless there is perception. Even fact would be irrelevant if not perceived. Perception about a situation generates different reaction and enables different outcome. It is perception which can allow possibilities to pass by or it can provide one with handful of opportunities. Thing appears to be in line with how one believes them to be.
Persons with positive attitude do not have better circumstances than negative attitude people. It is their positive perception which makes the circumstances congenial and their actions are productive as they adapt to it fast. They easily gain popularity in families, teams, friends, organizations as they have winning attitude.
Numerous opportunities in life surrounds, if one perceives them so. If one perceives a wall to be end, he will stop and move backwards but if one perceives it as an obstacle, one will get a ladder and climb over it. Perception makes a situation a beginning for some and same situation as end for others.
We cannot change the fact but one can change the way of seeing the fact which will enable us to move forward with more energy and enthusiasm and we will find positive path ahead of us. Obstacles will turn into challenges.

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